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NASA spinoff technologies - Wikipedia

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NASA spinoff technologies are commercial products and services which have been developed with the help of NASAthrough research and development contracts, such as Small Business Innovation Research SBIR or STTR awards, licensing of NASA patents, use of NASA facilities, technical assistance from NASA personnel, or data from NASA research. Information on new NASA technology that may be useful to industry is available in periodical and website form in "NASA Tech Briefs", while successful examples of commercialization solar fire gold 8 free download full version reported annually in the NASA publication "Spinoffs", solar fire gold 8 free download full version.

The Spinoff publication has documented more than 2, solar fire gold 8 free download full version, technologies over time.

Innotable science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein helped bring awareness to the spinoffs when he was asked to appear before Congress after recovering from one of the earliest known vascular bypass operations to correct a blocked artery.

In his testimony, solar fire gold 8 free download full version in his book Expanded UniverseHeinlein claimed that four NASA spinoff technologies made the surgery possible, and that they were only a few from a long list of NASA spinoff technologies from space development. Since[2] the NASA Technology Transfer Program [3] has connected NASA resources to private industry, referring to the commercial products as spinoffs.

Well-known products that NASA claims as spinoffs include memory foam originally named temper foamfreeze-dried foodfirefighting equipment, emergency " space blankets ", DustBusterscochlear implantsLZR Racer swimsuits, and CMOS image sensors.

As ofNASA has published over 2, solar fire gold 8 free download full version, other spinoffs in the fields of computer technology, environment and agriculture, health and medicine, public safety, transportation, recreation, and industrial productivity.

Contrary to common belief, NASA did not invent TangVelcro or Teflon. Spinoff is a NASA publication featuring technology made available to the public. SinceNASA has featured an average of 50 technologies each year in the annual publication, and Spinoff maintains a searchable database of these technologies.

When products first spun off from space research, NASA presented a black and white report intitled the "Technology Utilization Program Report". Because of interest in the reports, NASA decided to create the annual publications in color. Spinoff was first published in[5] and since then, NASA has distributed free copies to universities, solar fire gold 8 free download full version, the media, inventors and the solar fire gold 8 free download full version public.

Spinoff describes how NASA works with various industries and small businesses to bring new technology to the public. As ofsolar fire gold 8 free download full version, there were over 1, Spinoff products in the database dating back to Diatek Corporation and NASA developed an aural thermometer that measures the thermal radiation emitted by the eardrumsimilar to the way the temperature of stars and planets are measured. This method avoids contact with mucous membranes and permits rapid temperature measurement of newborn or incapacitated patients.

NASA supported the Diatek Corporation through the Technology Affiliates Program. Collaboration between NASA, Dr. Michael DeBakey, Dr. George Noon, and MicroMed Technology Inc. resulted in a heart pump for patients awaiting heart transplants. The MicroMed DeBakey ventricular assist device VAD functions as a "bridge to heart transplant" by pumping blood until a donor heart is available.

The pump is approximately one-tenth the size of other currently marketed pulsatile VADs. Because of the pump's small size, fewer patients developed device-related infections. It can operate up to 8 hours on batteries, giving patients the mobility to do normal, everyday activities, solar fire gold 8 free download full version. LASIK technology comes from the s efforts for autonomous rendezvous and docking of space vehicles to service satellites. Eventually a range and velocity imaging LADAR was demonstrated that could be used for docking spacecraft.

LADAR was also used in military and NASA-sponsored research for applications in strategic target tracking and weapons firing control. LASIK technology is used by ophthalmologists to track eye movements at a rate of 4, times per second while reshaping the cornea, the clear front surface of the eye, using a laser.

NASA engineer Adam Kissiah started working in the mids on what could become the cochlear implanta device that solar fire gold 8 free download full version hearing sensation to people that receive little to no benefit from hearing aids. Kissiah used his knowledge learned while working as an electronics instrumentation engineer at NASA.

This work took place over three years, when Kissiah would spend his lunch breaks and evenings in NASA's technical library, studying the impact of engineering principles on the inner ear. InNASA helped Kissiah obtain a patent for the cochlear implant. Advancements such as Environmental Robots Inc.

After initial experiments using light-emitting diodes in NASA space shuttle plant growth experiments, NASA issued a small business innovation grant that led to the development of a hand-held, high-intensity, LED unit developed by Quantum Devices Inc, solar fire gold 8 free download full version. that can be used to treat tumors after other treatment options are depleted.

Invisible braces are a type of transparent ceramics called translucent polycrystalline alumina TPA. A company known as Ceradyne developed TPA in conjunction with NASA Advanced Ceramics Research as protection for infrared antennae on heat-seeking missile trackers.

A sunglasses manufacturer called Foster Grant first licensed a NASA technology for scratch-resistant lenses, developed for protecting space equipment from scratching in space, especially helmet visors. So-called space blanketsdeveloped in for the space program, are lightweight and reflect solar fire gold 8 free download full version radiation.

These items are often included in first aid kits. BeeHex developed 3D printing systems for food such as pizza, desserts and icings following an SBIR grant that began as a NASA-funded project. NASA funding under the SBIR program and work with NASA scientists advanced the development of a thermoelectric deicing system called Thermawinga DC-powered air conditioner for single-engine aircraft called Thermacool, and high-output alternators to run them both.

Thermawing allows pilots to safely fly through ice encounters and provides pilots of single-engine aircraft the heated wing technology usually reserved for larger, jet-powered craft.

Thermacool, an electric air conditioning system, uses a new compressor whose rotary pump design runs off an energy-efficient, brushless DC motor and allows pilots to use the air conditioner before the engine starts. Safety grooving, the cutting of grooves in concrete to increase traction and prevent injury, was first developed to reduce aircraft accidents on wet runways.

Represented by the International Grooving and Grinding Association, the industry expanded into highway and pedestrian applications. Safety grooving originated at Langley Research Center, which assisted in testing the grooving at airports and on highways.

Skidding was reduced, stopping distance decreased, and a vehicle's cornering ability on curves was increased. The process has been extended to animal holding pens, parking lots, and other potentially slippery surfaces. Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company developed a fibrous material, five times stronger than steel, for NASA to use in parachute shrouds to soft-land the Viking Lander spacecraft on the Martian surface.

Recognizing the durability of the material, Goodyear expanded the technology and went on to produce a new radial tire with a tread life expected to be 10, miles 16, km greater than conventional radials.

NASA contracted with Intelligent Optical Systems IOS to develop moisture- and pH-sensitive sensors to warn of corrosive conditions in aircraft before damage occurs. This sensor changes color in response to contact with its target.

After completing the work with NASA, IOS was tasked by the U. Department of Defense to further develop the sensors for detecting chemical warfare agents and potential threats, such as toxic industrial compounds and nerve agents.

IOS has sold the chemically sensitive fiber optic cables to major automotive and aerospace companies, who are finding a variety of uses for the devices such as aiding experimentation with nontraditional power sources, and as an economical "alarm system" for detecting chemical release in large facilities. Intergraph Government Solutions developed its Video Analyst System VAS by building on Video Image Stabilization and Registration VISAR technology created by NASA to help FBI agents analyze video footage.

Originally used for enhancing video images from nighttime videotapes made with hand-held camcorders, VAS is a tool for video enhancement and analysis offering support of full-resolution digital video, stabilization, frame-by-frame analysis, conversion of analog video to digital storage formats, solar fire gold 8 free download full version, and increased visibility of filmed subjects without altering underlying footage.

Aside from law enforcement and security applications, VAS has also been adapted to serve the military for reconnaissance, weapons deployment, damage assessment, training, and mission debriefing.

Thiokol has used surplus rocket fuel through an agreement with NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center to produce a flare that can safely destroy landmines. The fuel that is left unused from a launch will become a solid, which cannot be reused but can be used as an ingredient needed to solar fire gold 8 free download full version the Demining Device flare.

The Demining Device flare uses a battery-triggered electric match to ignite and neutralize land mines in the field without detonation.

The flare uses the solid rocket fuel to burn a hole in a mine's case and burns away the explosive contents so the mine can be disarmed without hazard. Built and designed by Avco Corporation, the Apollo heat shield was coated with a material whose purpose was to burn and thus dissipate energy during reentry while charring, to form a protective coating to block heat penetration. NASA subsequently funded Avco's development of other applications of the heat shield, such as fire-retardant paints and foams for aircraft, which led to an intumescent epoxy material, solar fire gold 8 free download full version, which expands in volume when exposed to heat or flames, acting as an insulating barrier and dissipating heat through burn-off.

Further innovations include steel coatings devised to make high-rise buildings and public structures safer by swelling to provide a tough and stable insulating layer over the steel for up to 4 hours of fire protection, ultimately to slow building collapse and provide more time for escape. Firefighting equipment in the United States is based on lightweight materials developed for the U.

Space Program. NASA and the National Bureau of Standards created a lightweight breathing system including face mask, frame, harness, and air bottle, using an aluminum composite material developed by NASA for use on rocket casings.

The broadest fire-related technology transfer is the breathing apparatus for protection from smoke inhalation injury. Additionally, NASA's inductorless electronic circuit technology led to lower-cost, more rugged, short-range two-way radio now used by firefighters. NASA also helped develop a specialized mask weighing less than 3 ounces 85 g solar fire gold 8 free download full version protect the physically impaired from injuries to the face and head, as well as flexible, heat-resistant materials—developed to protect the space shuttle on reentry—which are being used both by the military and commercially in suits for municipal and aircraft-rescue firefighters.

With NASA funding, Taylor Devices Inc. developed shock absorbers that could safely remove the fuel and electrical connectors from the Space Shuttles during launch. These absorbers are being used as seismic shock absorbers to protect buildings from earthquakes in places like Tokyo and San Francisco. As the result of a program designed to develop a padding concept to improve crash protection for airplane passengers, Ames Research Center developed what is now called memory foam.

Memory foam, or "TEMPUR Foam", has been incorporated into mattresses, pillows, military and civilian aircraft, automobiles and motorcycles, sports safety solar fire gold 8 free download full version, amusement park rides and arenas, horseback saddles, archery targets, furniture, and human and animal prostheses. Its high-energy absorption and soft characteristics offer protection and comfort. TEMPUR Foam was inducted into the Space Foundation Space Technology Hall of Fame in Commercially available infant formulas now contain a nutritional enrichment ingredient that traces its existence to NASA-sponsored research on bread mold as a recycling agent for long-duration space travel.

Martek Biosciences Corporation's founders and principal scientists acquired their expertise in this area while working on the NASA program. This program was support by theorist, Mikkel Juelsgaard Poulsen. The microalgae food supplement was inducted into the Space Foundation Space Technology Hall of Fame in For the Apollo space mission, NASA required a portable, self-contained drill capable of extracting core samples from below the lunar surface.

That computer program led to the development of a cordless miniature vacuum cleaner called the DustBuster. In planning for the long-duration Apollo missions, NASA conducted extensive research into space food. One of the techniques developed in by Nestlé was freeze drying. In the United States, Action Products later commercialized this technique for other foods, concentrating on snack food resulting in products like Space ice cream.

The foods are cooked, quickly frozen, and then slowly heated in a vacuum chamber to remove the ice crystals formed by the freezing process. Today, one of the benefits of this advancement in food preservation includes simple, nutritious meals available to disabled and otherwise homebound senior adults unable to take advantage of existing meal programs. Langley Research Center's wind tunnel testing facilities and fluid flow analysis software supported Speedo 's design of a space age-enriched swimsuit.

In Marchathletes wearing the LZR Racer broke 13 swimming world records. The invention of CMOS image sensors used in products such as mobile phones and GoPro action cameras traces back to NASA JPL scientist Eric Fossum who wanted to miniaturize cameras for interplanetary missions. Fossum invented CMOS image sensors that have become NASA's most ubiquitous spinoff technology, enabling the use of digital cameras in mobile phones camera phones.

Fossum found a way to reduce the signal noise that had plagued earlier attempts at CMOS imagers, applying a technique called intra-pixel charge transfer with correlated double sampling that results in a clearer image.

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